
senior Pastors
pastors Mark & Doris Granger
Pastor Mark has been the Senior Pastor at New Life for the past 20 years after pastoring another church in Otsego for 11 years. During a season of having two total knee replacements in 2001, the Granger family started attending New Life and soon after became Pastors. The rest is history. Ministry and helping others have always been a passion of the Grangers.
Pastor Mark & Doris always wanted to have a food pantry. It was a deep desire to help those hurting in the community through food distribution. The food pantry, which has now evolved into a food co-op, started in 2003 and has been going strong ever since. Through this ministry thousands have been served over the years. At present, the food co-op serves about 250 families each month.
Through His ministry journey, Pastor Mark says he has learned the most through the school of hard knocks – learning through making mistakes and hands-on experience. He did study through the Pentecostal Church of God’s ministry program, moving up through the ranks from Exhorters License to Licensed Minister and then being Ordained. They offered wonderful Bible Study and Ministry courses.
“As a church, one of our main focuses is our Youth & Children’s Ministries – investing and equipping in the next generation.”
Outside of ministry, Mark & Doris have two grown children and two precious grandbabies.
“We would truly like to send you a personal invitation to give New Life Ministries an opportunity to be your home church.”

ministry director
Pastor Kelly Treat
Kelly serves as Ministry Director over the Youth & Children’s Programs. You can also see her, along with an amazing team, leading worship on Sundays. She has a long history of loving music and a true passion for worship. Kelly received a Diploma in Ministry with a concentration in Worship & Creative Arts from Hillsong International Leadership College. She then became ordained through the Pentecostal Church of God (PCG). Kelly is also a graduate of Ohio University where she earned Bachelor Degrees in Communication & Business Administration.
“My prayer is that those we minister to will have a true encounter with Jesus whether it be through teaching, praise & worship, or simple conversations. God has done many great things and we know He will continue to do that in all of us and meet every need!”
Outside of church responsibilities, Kelly absolutely LOVES being a mom to two young children, son Benjamin “Benji” and daughter Kalea. “They are the heart beat of everything I do! Family is everything!”
Oh and let’s not forget about the OHIO State Buckeyes! They are a fixture in the Treat household every football season. Go Bucks!

youth leader
Morgan buxton
Meet Morgan! She serves as youth leader and is part of the worship team. Morgan truly loves to worship. “It is my happy place, and there’s no other place I’d rather be!” She also has a great heart for our youth.
Outside of church, Morgan is employed by River View Local Schools, as a high school math teacher. Morgan is a graduate of Central Ohio Technical College with her Associates Degree in Human Services, a graduate of Mount Vernon Nazarene University with her Bachelor’s Degree in Social Work and a graduate of Muskingum University with her Masters in the Art of Teaching.
“With having our own teens in church, recognizing the need, and feeling a calling from God, we gladly stepped up to the opportunity of guiding the area youth.” God has called them into multiple ministries for His purpose. Morgan, and her husband, Nick share a passion for loving people. “We want to serve the community; we want to reach souls for the Kingdom of God. God has called us into multiple ministries, which we serve fervently.”
Outside of church, the Buxton’s enjoy spending time as a family, riding motorcycles, and watching movies.

Kendrajo Fry
Kendrajo serves as the secretary here at New Life. She is also on our teaching team for Kids Church! “I love pouring into the children and even learning from them at times!”
Kendrajo graduated in 2013 from Kent State University with a Bachelor of Business Administration. She is also a dance instructor at Miss Jennifer’s Dance Studio where she teaches children of all ages many different styles of dance and tumbling. “I have danced for as long as I can remember and since I’ve been saved I have realized how dancing can be used in worship to reach people for Jesus!”
She is also a lover of all things beauty and has a passion for helping others see the beauty in themselves! Kendrajo has been married to her husband , Jordan, for 11 years now. They have two children, daughter Bexlee and son Axel, who keep them busy! “I’m so happy that we found our “church home” here at New Life after visiting for Easter Service back in 2018. We love our church family!”
Statement of Faith
The Scriptures
The Godhead
Man, His Fall, and Redemption
The Church
The Ministry
Water Baptism
The Baptism of The Holy Ghost
The Lord's Supper
Foot Washing
Divine Healing
Resurrection of the Just
Setting a Time For The Lord's Return
The Coming of the Lord
Hell and Eternal Retribution
Have Any Questions?
We would love to have a conversation with you! Just send us a message by clicking the button below!
Our mission is to claim and proclaim New Life in Christ, being led by the Spirit to strengthen the Body of Christ through the teaching and preaching of the uncompromising Word of God – to encourage one another in a personal relationship with Jesus – equipping the people for service in their calling and personal ministry to each other, the church and the community, meeting both physical and spiritual needs.